Been there
JoinedPosts by Been there
Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........
by scootergirl ini have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
My Boys Won
by LB ini'm coaching highschool basketball at the 1a level which is small schools.
we have just 82 students in our highschool now.
today we played in a championship game at a tournament.
Been there
Congratulations LB and your team of little giants.
It says alot about their coach, you deserve to be proud. Some how I think they have learned a lesson they can take with them into life...........No matter how much the odds are stacked against you, if you try hard enough and keep at it, you can still come out a winner. GREAT JOB!!!!!
Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........
by scootergirl ini have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
Been there
(Raising hand)
Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........
by scootergirl ini have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
Been there
I'm glad the collars fit????????? I wouldn't have thought "STUDLY" would have liked the purple one. You didn't say if your babies were miniture or long hair so a very nice employee at PetSmart who raises dauchounds helped me pick a size and said they could be taken back to any PetSmart and exchanged for ones that fit. I know S.C. has tons of pine cones, but those are Kentucky pine cones. I got them near work just for you.
Let it Snow
by El Kabong ini woke up this morning to a true winter wonderland.
i live between baltimore and washington dc and we are having our first snow storm in a couple of years.
it really is so beautiful and quiet outside.
Been there
We got 6 inches here in Northern "Kin"tucky. It quit at day break. They do a pretty good job of getting our streets cleaned off since a few years ago we were a laughing stock because the highways were shut down for miles after a big snow storm. They didn't have enough snow trucks to clear the express ways, Semi's were stranded for days. The next year they had all this salt & new trucks and it didn't snow for 3 years. Go figure.
Funny Instructions
by WildTurkey insome examples of why the human race has probably evolved as far as possible.
these are actual instruction labels on consumer goods.... .
on sears hairdryer:.
Been there
I was laughing so hard I had tears. Too funny WT.
This isn't really funny but it brings to mind, a beach ball I had bought for the kids at a company picnic. It had "Not to be used as a life saving device" IN (it had to be) 20 different languages all over the ball.
Then there is our (very weird) safety guy at work who was in the kitchen making toast. He seriously looked at me and said, "This is HOT, I'm amazed they don't have to put a Warning Label on it". I just looked at him and said "John, it's freakin toaster, it's suppose to be HOT, if it's not.... it's broke. GET A LIFE". I could maybe see him thinking it, but to say it out loud, and mean it?????????? I have so much fun with him.
Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........
by scootergirl ini have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
Been there
First off Thank You so much Scooter for putting so much time into this, It has been so much fun, and a great success. IMHO
Thanks for posting WAITING, I don't know how I missed it the first time, I've been coming here every day to see if it had arrived, I was starting to worry. I hope you like the things. The antisipation is half the fun. Okay, Okay if you really don't have the patience to wait, you can open them when ever you want. I had so much fun getting it together. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
(going to the door, looking at the mailbox)
(tapping fingers, tap....tap....tap....tap)
Still waiting.............I'd say I'm ansy as a kid at Christmas, but I wouldn't know
Question for Everyone
by Wild_Thing in.
are there any other chronic lurkers out there?
just wondering ...
Been there
A cute WHAT????
Finish the sentence...................
Been there
In years past I went to 8 years of therapy on and off. I went to Social Workers. No real Phyciatrist except once when I needed to be put on medicine for the panic attacks. I guess my social workers were what you discribe because they never judged (except one lady who was not good at what she did and I asked to be changed from her) They only answered with "What Do You Think". I went to survive my stepson. He was just a symtom. The real problem is still here (His dad). I had one therapist who committed suicide. Made me think maybe I wasn't so bad off. Or........ I pushed him over the edge, one of the two. Anyway all my years of counceling did not fix any problems because I never got to the real issues, I never got past the b---h sessions which only put bandaids on the symtoms. I never once talked about being an XJW and how that may have molded my thinking process's. I'm not dumb, but the problem lyes from not wanting to do what I know I need to do, so the inner battle rages on, year after year after year. I actually have gotten more out of this board then in any counceling. One day if I get the courage I may through my problems on the board and get some input. My biggest problem is not knowing if what I think is real or not, or is it just my interpretation of it (which could be faulty because of my up bringing) One thing I was always told was I needed a support system. Still don't have one. I feel out on the high wire with nothing to catch me if I fall. So I must not fall.
by Brumm ini read a few apostate books during my research as a jw...after confessing in private to a best friend that i'd read them i got snitched on and they ran and told the elders....prats!
this led to a judicial and a 6 month probation, wasnt allowed to do carpark duty (sobs) or michrophone duty (baawl) for 6 months nor could i answer up at meetings which led to tongue wagging, could go on doors though... a bit strict huh.. also know of a 6 year old who handed in her dad for speaking to apostates!
was you snitched on?
Been there
This has all been discussed before.